
Jerry Iûnn Tsú Juē
7 min readOct 26, 2021




Kin-á-ji̍t sī Tâi-oân chò-kì ê ji̍t-chí. Tâi-oân ùi 1895.5.8 khai-sí hō͘ sian-chìn-kok-ka si̍t-bîn, m̄-ko 1945.10.25 ê sî-chūn hō͘ lo̍k-hō͘-kok-ka the̍h-khì –soah, jî-chhiáⁿ hō͘ — i si̍t-bîn kàu chit-má.

今日は台湾の光復日じゃなくて、受難日です。 台湾は1895年5月8日に文明国によって植民地化され始めましたが、1945年10月25日に後進国に移され、その時から今まで占められてきました。

Today is Taiwan Passion Day rather than Retrocession Day. Taiwan began to be colonised by a civilised state on 8 May 1895 but was handed out to a backward state and has been oppressed by it from 25 October 1945 till this moment.


“Kong-ho̍k” iah-sī Eng-gí “retrocession” tio̍h-sī leh kóng-pe̍h-chha̍t. Tiong-kok thàng-kòe Má-koan-tiâu-iok kā Tâi-oân kau-hō͘ Ji̍t-pún, che-sī koah-niū. M̄-ko Ji̍t-pún pēng-bô thàng-kòe San Francisco tiâu-iok kah Tâi-pak tiâu-iok kā Tâi-oân hō͘ Tiong-kok, che beh án-nóa sǹg “retro” koah-niū?


“Retrocession” of Taiwan has been merely a lie. Taiwan was ceded to Japan by China in the Shiminoseki Treaty, but there was not another cession by Japan to China when the Treaty of San Francisco and Treaty of Taipei came into force. Chinese forces simply took over the administration of Taiwan from the Japanese, so how could this be called a “retrocession”?



Chú-chiông 1907 nî Hái-gâ kong-iok chhut-hiān í-lâi, thàng-kòe sio-chiàn phah-iâⁿ tit-tio̍h léng-thó͘ ê kú-tōng í-keng sī ûi-hoat ê –lah. Kāng-sī WWII phah-iâⁿ Ji̍t-pún ê kok-ka, ūi-siáⁿ-mi̍h Eng-kok, Bí-kok, Hoat-kok lóng-bô tùi Ji̍t-pún the̍h-tio̍h léng-thó͘, Tiong-(hoa-bîn)-kok tio̍h jīn-ûi ka-tī ē-sái the̍h-tio̍h Tâi-oân?


Ever since the Hague Convention of 1907 passed, the doctrine of conquest and legal recognition to the fruits of victory has basically been outlawed, no matter who started the war. UK, US, and France, which all were the victorious against Japan, did not acquire territory from it as a result of WWII. Why could (the Republic of) China claim to acquire the then Japanese territory of Taiwan?


Pa̍t-ê ûi-hoat pèng-thun léng-thó͘ ê kok-ka sī So͘-liân, in kā Pak-hong-sù-tó, Chhian-tó-kûn-tó kah Hoâ-thài-tó/Khò͘-ia̍h-tó lâm-pō͘ lóng thun-khì –ah. Kî-tiong Pak-hong-sù-tó iû-oân-sī Ji̍t-pún ê, só͘-í bô-lūn Tē-it Sè-kài ê Bí-kok iah-sī Tē-jī Sè-kài ê Tiong-kok ê tē-tô͘ lóng kā i ōe-chò Ji̍t-pún ê kok-thó͘.


Soviet Union was the solely other country illegally annexed former Japanese territories, which included the Northern Territories of Japan, the Kuril Islands and the southern part of Sakhalin Island. Among them, the Northern Territories are de jure territories of Japan, so either the US from the Western Bloc or China from the Eastern Bloc still marks them as part of Japan on the world map.


1945年盟軍對日本領土僅為佔領(Occupied),不涉及主權轉移。(取自CIA World Factbook 2019)

Kah O͘-khek-lân ê léng-thó͘ Crimea hō͘ Lō͘-se-a pèng-thun kâng-khoán, Ji̍t-pún kah O͘-khek-lân lóng-ú piàⁿ-miā-ê tùi Lō͘-se-a cheng-thó chú-koân. Tān-sī Chhian-tó-kûn-tó kah Hoâ-thài-tó ê chú-koân lóng hō͘ Ji̍t-pún hòng-khì tiāu — ah, kah Tâi-oân kâng-khoán mā-sī chú-koân bē-tēng, só͘-í nā-sī ū kok-ka beh ûi-hoat pèng-thun, mā bē ū-lâng chhut-lâi chó͘-tòng.


Being comparable to that Ukrainian de jure territory Crimea was annexed by Russia, both Japan and Ukraine have tried their best to make claims of sovereignty of those territories to Russia. Nevertheless, same as the situation of Taiwan, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island have been renounced sovereignty by Japan and so they’ve been territory sovereign over which is undetermined. Therefore, no state will fight and resist when these regions face annexation.


Hó-ka-chài sui-jiân Lō͘-se-a ê chèng-tī khoân-kéng bô kiù –ah, tān-sī Tâi-oân keng-kòe bîn-chú-hòa liáu-āu, chiām-chhiáⁿ ū ki-hōe kiàn-li̍p sio̍k-tī gún ka-tī ê kok-ka lâi thó-kong-tō, chiong hit-ê bô Tâi-oân chú-koân nā ûi-hoat soan-chheng ê chèng-koân kóaⁿ-cháu, jî-chhiáⁿ beh hō͘ só͘-ū i tùi Tâi-oân ê bîn-chiòng kah khoân-kéng chō-sêng ê siong-hāi lóng-chóng thó tńg-lâi.


Fortunately, while the Russian political environment is probably hopeless, Taiwan’s democratisation has given us the opportunity to establish our own country to seek justice, turf out the regime that does not have Taiwan’s sovereignty but makes illegal claims, and demand compensation for all the things they’ve done to Taiwanese people and environment.


Hái-gâ, Ji̍t-lāi-óa kah Pa-lê kong-iok kā cheng-ho̍k, chiàm-léng, pèng-thun, koah-niū kok-chè-hoat ê ì-gī lóng-chóng hun kah chheng-chhó, kî-tiong 1945.10.25 kàu 1952.4.28 Tiong-kok kok-bîn chèng-koân tùi Tâi-oân tio̍h-sī “chiàm-léng”, 1952 nî Ji̍t-pún hòng-khì Tâi-oân léng-thó͘ chú-koân liáu-āu chiah hō͘-lâng kiò-chò “koán-lí”, mā-sī chiàⁿ-káng Tâi-phài só͘-kóng ê “tāi-koán”. M̄-ko hit tàu-té sī “tāi-piáu Bêng-kun koán-lí” iah-sī “tāi-thè Bí-kun koán-lí” tio̍h bô tēng-lūn –ah.


A series of conventions such as Hague, Geneva, Kellogg–Briand Pact etc. distinguish the meanings of conquest, occupation, annexation and cession in the concept of international law. To give an instance, from 25.10.1945 to 28.4.1952, the Chinese Nationalist authorities’ control over Taiwan was an ‘occupation’. After Japan relinquished territorial sovereignty over Taiwan in 1952, the situation has been generally referred as ‘administration’, which has been called ‘entrusted administration’ by pro-Taiwan advocates. As to whether it is an administration on behalf of the Allied or of the U.S. forces, it is still a matter of opinion.



Chì-î Tiong-kok kok-bîn chèng-koân ùi 1945 nî khai-sí tùi Tâi-oân hui-hoat chú-tiuⁿ léng-thó͘ chú-koân, jî-chhiáⁿ mā khak-si̍t khòng-chè chit-ê só͘-chāi, che tio̍h-sī “pèng-thun”. Pèng-thun bē-sái ha̍p-hoat chhú-tit chú-koân, só͘-í Tâi-oân m̄-sī Tiong-kok léng-thó͘. 1949 nî Tiong-kok kok-bîn chèng-koân lī-khui in-ê léng-thó͘ lâi-kàu Tâi-oân, jî-chhiáⁿ kè-siok ūn-chok, tāi-piáu i tio̍h-sī liû-bông chèng-koân. Gún Tâi-oân-lâng ē-tàng chò ê sī chiong chit-ê chèng-koân sàng tńg-khì Tiong-kok hoat-lí léng-thó͘, hō͘ — i ka-tī chhú-lí it-Tiong-nn̄g-hú ê thóng-to̍k būn-tê.


About the situation in which the Chinese Nationalist authorities have illegally claimed of territorial sovereignty over Taiwan and effectively controlled the area since 1945, this is called ‘annexation’. Annexation is an act that cannot legally acquire territories from another state, so Taiwan should not be considered Chinese territory. On the basis that the Nationalist regime has been unable to exercise legal power over China and located in Taiwan, a foreign territory, therefore effectively making it a government in exile. What we Taiwanese can do is to return this regime to de jure Chinese territory and let it deal with the Communist regime with the issue of unification or independence of the two Chinese governments by itself.



Siông-sè lâi-kóng, beh iau-kiû chit-ê chèng-koân chun-chiàu 《Ín-chún si̍t-bîn-tē kok-ka kah jîn-bîn to̍k-li̍p soan-giân》, hō͘ goân si̍t-bîn-tē Tâi-oân ē-sái hêng-sú chū-bîn chū-koat koân, kiàn-li̍p sin-ê chú-koân kok-ka hoat-lu̍t tē-ūi. He liáu-āu che chèng-koân eng-kai soan-pò͘ thêng-chí koán-lí Tâi-oân tē-khu, tio̍h kah Bí, Eng, Hoat, So͘ tiong-chí chiàm-léng iah-sī koán-lí Tek-kok, Ò-tē-lī, Tiâu-sián, Ji̍t-pún, Liû-kiû kah Thài-pêng-iûⁿ-kûn-tó kâng-khoán. Che chin-chiàⁿ chiah-sī “Tâi-oân to̍k-li̍p”, mā tio̍h-sī Tâi-oân chiân-tô͘ ûi-it ê chhut-lō͘.


Specifically, this regime should be required to follow the ‘Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples’, so that the people of the former colony, Taiwan, can exercise the right of self-determination and establish the statehood of a new sovereign state. Then the regime should announce that it ceases control of Taiwan administration zone, acting as that U.S., U.K., France and Soviet Union did. They stopped occupying or administering Germany, Austria, Korean Peninsula, Japan, Ryukyu Islands, and the Pacific Islands. This is the real ‘Taiwanese Independence’ and is the very only right way for Taiwan’s future.



